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  • Where can I find live results?
    Live results are streamed for 99.9% of DC Timing events. Results for cross country meets or track meets can be found at or Results for community events i.e., trail races, Thanksgiving Day Run, or 5K run/walk can be found on the "results" tab of the race's RunSignUp page.
  • Do you have an office?
    We are located in Jeffersontown KY @ 2719 Grassland Drive Louisville, K 40299
  • What are your office hours?
    Our in office hours vary daily. If you'd like to stop by, please e-mail us at first. We are available to communicate on Facebook, Instagram, and via e-mail. We typically respond to all matters within a day.
  • Do you offer any race discounts for groups?
    All questions about pricing can be answered through an appointment. To schedule a phone call, visit the "Our Services" tab.
  • Why should I hire a timer or race management crew?
    Timing companies bring validity and organization for any event--community/charity or scholastic. A full-service race management company can help you design the perfect race course that welcomes all levels of runners and walkers.
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